Monday, August 29, 2016

New Beginnings

Just like that the summer is over and we are moving into the school year again. I never broke up the year into summer and school year before I had kids, but as they get older it seems to be the thing to do.

Kinley has been going to an in home daycare since she was about 16 months old. We love it and it has been such a blessing for us, though it is time for Kinley to move on to a more educational setting. Zander will still go to the in home and Kinley will as well one day a week. We wanted to ease her into a more school like setting so she will only be going to preschool 2 days a week, Tuesday and Thursdays.

We are so excited for Kinley to start and experience being in a school setting. She is very sociable and loves being around other kids. Since her birthday is late she will be in the 2's class. I will be honest I have had some stress around this. She is about to be 3 and knows a whole lot more than she did a year ago when she was about to be 2. Shoot I remember us being worried she wasn't really talking too much. It has been an unbelievable transformation. She has grown so much in the last year. I don't want her to be bored at school, I want her to be challenged. I have had some conversations with her teacher and she assured me she would not be bored and they will work on other thing tailored to her needs and level. It made me feel a whole lot better and even more excited for her to start. I can't believe she is growing so fast!

She will be starting the day after Labor Day. It will be very interesting taking her to school and Zander to the in home. I hope she does alright and enjoys her day making new friends and learning new things. I can't believe we are already starting preschool, wasn't she just born?!!

So I think that is the newest beginning we have coming up. We are also looking for new renters for our townhouse and couldn't be more excited to start a new chapter with new renters. We have had some tough times with our previous renters and are ready to move forward.

If you read a few posts back you know I am going to be an auntie again and expecting a nephew! I so wish we lived closer to my sisters so our kids could grow up together. It is really hard being away. I am so thankful for technology and the ability to facetime them when everyone is free. We are hoping to get to Colorado in the Spring after he is born. I can't wait for these two to meet their new cousin and see Connor! We sure do miss them all!

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