Happy 2 months Bubba. I am sure I will say it every month but time is flying. I really wish it would slow down. I go back to work in a month and I am not looking forward to it. I am looking forward to getting back into a routine because I think no routine has really thrown all of us off lately. Kinley has really been struggling lately.
He has grown so much since
his birth. At his 2 month appointment he was 10 lbs 9.4oz and 21.6 inches long. He has gained 3.5 lbs since birth. It is truly amazing to me that he has gained all that weight because I have been able to breastfeed him. I am so thankful breastfeeding hasn't been as hard this time around.
I have seen more of a routine in Zander's schedule the past few weeks. I tried to let him set his own schedule and it seems to be working out pretty well. His morning nap is key and sets the tone for the remainder of the day. He wakes up 7:00-7:30 then I fed him and he goes back down about an hour after he gets up. He sleeps 2-3 hours and is napping in his crib swaddled. He usually wakes up after 45 mins or so and it takes him 10-20 mins to fall back asleep. I rarely pick him up and just give him his bink back or rub his face for a minute or two. After he gets up he eats again and we have play time. He goes back down for nap #2 about an hour-hour and a half after he wakes up. Nap #2 is usually about 2-3 hours. Same thing though it is not 2-3 hours consistently, I do go back in and help him. The length really all depends on the first nap. We do the same thing after he gets up, eat and play time. He takes a third nap in the early evening usually while we eat dinner or shortly after. Nap #3 is usually an hour, give or take some, again depending on the lengths of the first 2 naps. He goes to bed around 9:00 after a feeding. He has been sleeping until 3ish, sometimes 4 and wakes up to fed. Then sleeps until he wakes up for the day.

He is still eating on demand but since he is napping longer he has stretched out the feedings to every 3-4 hours during the day and waking one-two times at night. I have been doing his last feeding about 9ish but have considered making it closer to 10 to see if he will make it all night sleeping. It is all trial and error when you are dealing with babies. He is still sleeping in the rock and play next to our bed but I am going to try to switch him to the pack and play again since he does fine sleeping on his back during nap.
He started smiling this month and I have gotten a few laughs out of him. I think they have been accidental but it is the best sound in the world. I can't wait for the laughs to be more consistent. He loves watching his animals on his swing or the colors on his play mat. Kinley was never really a fan of any of them so it is fun to watch him "talk" to his animals. He loves his sister so much and smiles at her when she talks to him. I love watching their relationship grow and am excited to see what the future holds for their friendship.
PS...he wasn't in the car when I took these pictures. We were waiting to get 2 month shots.
He had his
first beach trip this month and loved it. He is going to be a beach baby just like his sister. He also had a great visit with his Auntie Alie. We have a trip to Florida coming up so he will get to experience his first plane ride. Kinley was about this age when she had her first plane ride to Colorado. I am looking forward to many more firsts with this handsome boy!
Happy 2 months Bubba, we love you tons!