
Sunday, January 31, 2016

Pregnancy #2 Update: Weeks 26-28

Pregnancy #2 Weeks 26-28

We are officially in the 3rd trimester! Where is this pregnancy going and how is my due date only 12 weeks away. We have had a few things happen these past 2 weeks which thankfully have all been good!

Here is what baby boy has been up to the last few weeks. I am 28 weeks 3 days as of today.

  • He is sleeping and waking at regular intervals. He is definitely more active at certain times. Last night before we went to bed he was doing many flips. Matt actually got to feel him a lot! 
  • He may be able to see light that filters in through the womb
  • He weighs about 2 - 2.5 pounds now. The last ultrasound we had was at 26 weeks 5 days and he was 1lb 15oz so I am sure he has gained since then.
  • He is growing more hair and at this point it has a color to it. We often talk about whether he will be a red head like his sister. I think no. 
  • He is breathing small amounts of amniotic fluid which is helping him practice his breaths for outside the womb. He also gets the hiccups frequently so I know he is practicing his breathing. 
What is going on with me the past few weeks. 

How Far Along: 28 weeks 3 days. I love the comparison shots. I think I am a tad smaller with him and carrying him a little lower.

Total Weight Gain: As of my appointment on Friday I am up 13 pounds. I had quite a jump in the past few weeks so I am hoping to level out again and stay around the average weight gain for the pregnancy, I should probably stop eating all the cookies. 

Best Moments of the Past Few Weeks: Finding out little man's heart is ok! We had an echo done at the high risk and the tech said every thing looked great and there were no concerns. Wow was that some uplifting news. We also found out I passed my glucose test which I am SO excited about because I had gestational diabetes with Kinley and it was not fun! So needless to say we have had a great few weeks. 

Miss Anything: Sleep! These past few weeks sleep has been more difficult. My hips hurt more so I toss and turn a lot. I am also up a lot peeing! This cutie has been struggling with sleep too so that is not helping my exhaustion, but that is nothing new to us.

Gender: BOY! I can't wait to see what he looks like! My dr said they will do one more ultrasound at 37 weeks to check his size. 

Symptoms: My hips are really starting to hurt more. I have been trying to get the yoga video done more often but finding the time these days is really hard. A few ladies in my mom group mentioned seeing a chiropractor so I might look into that as well. I have been trying to sit on a exercise ball at work to see if that will help. 

Mood: I think I am overall pretty happy. I had a pretty rough day at work last week and that made for some emotions, but things are better now and I am back to myself again. It is unbelievable to me how much better I feel this go round. 

Looking Forward to: Getting my shower invite! My friend Chelsea has put so much work into my shower and I know nothing. I can not wait to see the invite! I can't believe that is in 5 weeks and in 6 weeks we will be doing maternity pictures. In the last update I was looking forward to his kicks getting stronger. Well they definitely have. The other night he was having a party and going crazy. Matt really got to feel him from the outside. I even was able to see some movement from the outside. It has been much different having an anterior placenta this time. We are finally starting on the nursery too!

Hope everyone enjoys their Sunday! 

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Valentine Goodies for the Littles Year 2

I love putting together fun little gifts for the holidays. I think Valentines's Day might be one of my favorites to put together. Now it is by no means my favorite holiday I just love finding goodies for Kinley. They have so many cute ideas. Last year I did a post, so if you are looking for things for a younger age you can check out that one here. Here are my picks for his year.

1. Heart PJs: I really don't think you can go wrong with these pjs from Carters. We love their clothes and who doesn't love hearts.

2. Plates and Silverware: Target $1 bins for the win again!! Must I say more! They really have the best things in those bins.

3. Hat and Mittens: I love how soft these are. I ordered these from an Instagram shop but she has an etsy shop as well called The Posh Plum. I don't think our winter has really hit us yet so I know these will come in handy. They have so many cute hats!!

4. Love You More Shirt: What is Valentine's Day without a cute shirt. This one is from Carter's. I am still on the lookout for cute leggings!

5. Biscuit: Kinley loves any Biscuit book. I am always looking for new ones. She is sure to love this one. I wouldn't mind adding a few more Valentine's Day books so if you have any suggestions please share!

6. Rain Boots: Hearts, hearts and more hearts. I have been looking for rain boots for Kinley for quite some time now. I was so excited to find these at Target and they were only $20! I really want the Hunter boots but these will have to do for now :)

7. Matching Hello Shirts: I have been wanting to get matching shirts and I feel in love with these Hello shirts. I can't wait to match us.

Do you have any other fun ideas to add?

Friday, January 22, 2016

Friday's Randomness

I love sitting here and watching the snow fall. I wish it would snow a lot here and we could actually enjoy it! So much different from being from Colorado and literally living in the snow. We get a dusting here and the schools close a few hours early. Cracks me up! But in all honesty people can't drive in it so I guess that is the safest. Kinley was loving the snow!

We had a great check up on baby boy this week. We had our echo done at Maternal Fetal Medicine and everything was perfect! I can't tell you how relieved we are! That was a very stressful couple of weeks. He was estimated to be 1lb 15oz and growing perfectly. There were no concerns with his heart so the last scare must have been a shadow. Thank goodness! I can't believe we have 13 short weeks left before we will be adding him to the mix. I have to admit I am a little nervous about it all but I know that it will work out!

Thursday I had to go to the dentist to get some things fixed on my teeth. I hate going but have learned my lesson to now go on a consistent basis. Even though I go consistently and take great care of my teeth there is always something wrong with them. It is so frustrating! It might have been the roughest 2 hours of my week. It was so horrible sitting back in the chair that long trying to keep my mouth open for what seemed like endless hours. Do you know how hard that is! On top of that my mouth is KILLING me today. Then I had to go do my glucose test this morning! I had the fruit punch this time and it wasn't horrible tasting it was horrible not being able to really eat anything for breakfast. Fingers crossed I pass because I had gestational diabetes with Kinley and it wasn't fun!

We finally went and picked out some paint samples for little boys' room. We aren't painting the whole room, just an accent wall. The rest of the walls are a tan color. I am so excited to get things started in there. I have a lot of ideas floating through my mind and have pinned random pins to put together. We didn't go elaborate on Kinley's nursery but I loved how simple it was. I have a few more ideas that I would like to do with his but part of me feels a little guilt that I want to put more into his room than we did to hers. Does that make sense? Is that normal? I just want to be fair to them! We have picked out some decor and I am very excited to see it all come together. Stay tuned for nursery pictures as it all comes together!


Monday, January 18, 2016

Monday Already

How is it already Monday? I guess when you work all day Saturday and only have Sunday to enjoy, the weekends go super fast. I am off Thursday and Friday so that is nice, but it isn't the same as being off on Saturday and Sunday. I really hate working every single Saturday. Oh well, thus is life!

Thursday we ran a few errands and hung out. Matt was off as well since he worked the whole weekend. I have been craving sweets this whole pregnancy and since we had to go get milk why not get a donut too :).

Friday we took Kinley to the rec center to go swimming. They have a great kid area and we hadn't been in a while. I think we might get passes after this little boy comes so we both can start working out again and take advantage of the other benefits. We also want to get Kinley into swimming lessons as well. We only stayed a little over an hour because it was getting close to lunch and nap time, but we all had a great time.

Friday night Matt's parents came over to watch Kinley so we could go to dinner. It was really nice to get out and enjoy some adult conversations that revolved around the kiddos, as always. Isn't it crazy how much you miss them when you are gone for a few hours? We had many laughs as to how she can make us wanna scream one second but the next we just want to snuggle her. We also talked about how are we going to love another kid as much as we love Kinley. How is it possible? I am starting to have some fears about adding a second kid into the mix. I worry how we are all going to adjust. I know we will but I can't help thinking about it. We are getting down to the end here, only 13 weeks left. Unreal!

Matt's parents had Kinley all day Saturday since we both had to work. Matt took her to their house before he went in and they hung out there for awhile until they met me back at home when I got off work. We all enjoyed some pizza and the rest of the football game. Kinley had a really hard time going to bed and I finally had to go in and lay on her floor until she feel asleep. It didn't last long...she was up crying about an hour later. We ended up bringing her in our bed and she tossed and turned for a lot of the night. It was a tough one. It is getting harder for me to get good sleep so that was a bummer.

What do you know. She woke up with a fever on Sunday. She was pretty cranky and ready to nap about an hour and a half after she got up. I wasn't complaining. We all needed a nap. Matt had to go to work so her and I stayed in pjs all day. It was pretty fabulous! I will be honest I did feel bad about it at first but the weather was cold and rainy and we weren't going anywhere so pjs it was. She let me look in her mouth and she is getting the top 2 year old molars. I am so glad after these we are done with teeth. Teething always kicks her butt. She is always miserable for a few days. It is heartbreaking. I gave her Motrin before bed so hopefully that will help her. She was out by 7:00pm after 2 naps and asking to go to bed for an hour. Lets hope tomorrow is better because even though it is a holiday Matt and I both have to work. She will be in good hands with his parents so hopefully everything will be ok. I will take all the snuggles I can get right now though! I love when she cuddles with me.  Since we were home all day I was able to make some meals for the week. The best....creamy chicken and wild rice soup.

Hope everyone has a great holiday! We have our appointment on Tuesday for the echo on baby boy. I am definitely anxious for the appointment. Then I have my glucose test on Friday that I am not looking forward to either since I had gestational diabetes with Kinley. Please send some positive thoughts for all the appointments this week.

Sunday, January 10, 2016

Pregnancy #2 Update - Weeks 21-25

Pregnancy #2 weeks 21-25 Update

It has been a few weeks since I have done a baby boy update. Yes you read that right baby boy! Since the last one we have found out many things. I look back at the last post and laugh because it is titled Update Baby Girl #2. If you have been reading you know that has changed! We are not expecting a girl like we thought, but it is a BOY. You can read about that here. We confirmed Friday he is in fact a he! We are very excited about that and can begin to focus on the nursery.

Here is what baby boy has been up to the last few weeks. As of today I am 25 weeks 3 days.

  • Little man has definitely had a growth spurt since the last update. The ultrasound tech said he is about 1 pound 12 oz right now. She said that was the 57th percentile. 
  • His lungs are developing surfactant that will help them expand after birth. His nostrils are also opening to help him breath.
  • His bones are becoming solid and his hands are fully developed, he can make a fist and grasp objects.
  • He can hear sounds outside the womb and the brain cells are starting to mature. This is exciting to me since we read to Kinley often and it is fun to know he can hear us now. 
What is going on with me: 

Sleep: Honestly it hasn't been that horrible. Not too much has changed and I still wake up multiple times a night to pee but at least I am able to fall asleep at night. When I was pregnant with Kinley I had the worst insomnia and there were many nights I would go sit on the couch and cry because I couldn't sleep. Kinley is still ending up in our bed anywhere from 3-5am but honestly we are all sleeping and she sleeps in when she is with us. So right now it is what it is and I am going to stop stressing about it. Well at least try :). She recently cut 2 molars so that resulted in some sleepless nights, but I am hoping we are back on the mend. 

How Far Along: 25 weeks 3 days and feeling more movement each day. Nothing like a good old bathroom selfie to mark 25 weeks.

Total Weight Gain: As of my appointment Friday I have gained 7 pounds. This is shocking to me! At 26 weeks with Kinley I was up 20 pounds. Not sure if it is due to me chasing a toddler this time or just different eating habits. I can't really say I have been eating the healthiest this time though to be honest. The other day I ate a donut and an apple fritter...don't judge :). I blame it on my husband since he brought me both. They had to be eaten. Little man seems to be growing perfectly so I am happy with my minimal weight gain at this point. It is amazing how all pregnancies are different. 

Best Moment of the Past Few Weeks: We had a great past few weeks. My mom spent the holidays with us, which was amazing! We got Kinley a toddler bed that she loves! That was 100% not planned!! And despite not receiving the best news Friday at the ultrasound, seeing little man is always a blessing!

Miss Anything: Hmmmm. I do miss being able to enjoy a glass of wine but honestly I think that is about it right now. Overall I am feeling pretty great! So much different from when I was pregnant with Kinley. 

Cravings: Sweets, sweets and more sweets. I am really trying to tone this down a little. I crave them all the time! I have my glucose test coming up in 2 weeks and I really hope I pass this time. I had gestational diabetes with Kinley. I got to take my glucose test home with me! I am so excited about this! I have to drink it an hour before my appointment and then I just go and get my blood drawn. How amazing is that!! 

Gender: It's a BOY!!! We are so excited to finally believe we will be having a little boy Brooksie :). If you really look at the picture that is his leg/foot covering his other eye. He was seriously a pretzel in there the other day.

Symptoms: My hips are really starting to bother me. I have found a good yoga video with some stretches in it that really seem to help. I just need to find the time to do it more often. I have a little lower back pain but nothing major at this point. I sit all day for work, so I really try to walk as much as possible. Of course the constant peeing hasn't changed and I am sure not going to get any better anytime soon as he grows!  

Mood: I am for the most part happy. I do have my grumpy moments, but hey don't we all! I love so much sharing this moment with Kinley. She talks about her brother all the time. It is the cutest and melts my heart! 

Looking Forward to: This might sound weird but I am looking forward to hearing from high risk and getting this echo set up. It will give us many more answers and I can at least have some questions answered. I am also looking forward to seeing him move on the outside. His kicks are getting stronger but we haven't seen him move on the outside yet. Matt has only felt him move a handful of times as well, and I can't wait for Kinley to feel him. With my anterior placenta it makes feeling his kicks more difficult. I am also really looking forward to getting his nursery done. We have started getting things but need to go pick out some paint. I love the nursery decor we have bought already so I am sharing it again :)

That is it for this update folks! It was a long one so if you are still reading thank you! I hope everyone has a great rest of their weekend! Do you see that cute little nose of his. I am so in love! 

Friday, January 8, 2016

Pregnancy Can be Frightening

From the second you think about having a baby it is scary. There are so many things that can go wrong and in the end everyone wants a healthy baby. Then you get pregnant and the waiting for the first appointment to confirm the pregnancy is the worst, since they usually don't see you until you are 8-10 weeks along. And if you are like me I peed on a stick the first chance I got and found out we were pregnant at around 3 weeks 5 days. That is a long time to wait!! Then you get the first ultrasound and hopefully get the news the baby is healthy with a strong heartbeat and they say we will see you in 4 weeks. What are you serious, 4 more weeks! The waiting in between appointments is hard, but you have to just believe in your body and know the baby is healthy. Easier said than done, trust me! Then you hit 20 weeks and they do the big anatomy scan to make sure the baby is growing and all his/her organs look healthy. It is frightening I tell you.

The worrying continues until birth and you hear that first cry. Though it doesn't end there. Being a mother is full of constant worrying I think. My point is, there is always something to worry about and being pregnant is a scary, but beautiful miracle. I still look at my daughter with amazement as to how we made her and she grew inside of me. It is truly a blessing and unbelievable.

The thing that gets me through the scariness is knowing that God will never give us more than we can handle and we will always be surrounded by amazing friends and family. I truly believe this and I also believe everything happens for a reason. Sometimes it is hard to see that initially and understand why but behind it all there is a reason.

Anyways...on to our ultrasound today.

We had our repeat ultrasound today to get pictures of little man's heart. He was laying funny last time and the tech couldn't see to get the right pictures. He was still laying with his feet above his head and breech, making things more difficult.

The first thing I asked was to confirm it was a boy due to our shocking news last time we had the ultrasound. She confirmed he was a he and showed us again. I think my husband now believes he is a he and we will be expecting a boy :). I am glad to have confirmed it again. Now I can feel more comfortable about buying boy things and really getting things going in his nursery.

The ultrasound took about 45 minutes just to get what we needed for his heart. She also did a quick growth scan to make sure he was measuring well. We were almost done and she said there was a little concern. On one of the views it looked as though there was a small hole in his heart. She said she wasn't 100% if it was a hole or a shadow due to how he was laying. Either way that is not something you want to hear. She said she wanted to be safe and get us scheduled with high risk so we can have an echo done.

We are trying not to stress ourselves out, because lets be honest, we don't know for certain and there is nothing we can do right now anyways. So we will wait for high risk to call us and schedule the echo and pray for the best. It sure is a lot easier said than done when the tech tells you your child could have a hole in his heart.

Please keep us in your thoughts! Hopefully we will get this scheduled soon, though they said it could take up to a week to hear back.

I know it has been awhile since I have done a full pregnancy update. I will post an update for weeks 20-25 on the blog this weekend. For now here is a sneak peak at a few of the things we have purchased for the nursery.

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Our Year in Review

Well this isn't too late :). We are still technically in the first week of the month. We had a pretty amazing year in 2015 and are definitely excited about what 2016 is going to bring us. For now though...our 2015 review.


We enjoyed a quiet new years day in as a family.

Kinley went to her first gym class at the Little Gym. She definitely loved it but to be honest it was a little expensive in my opinion for a one year old.


We had quite a few fun snow days in February which gave us some much needed family time. We baked home made cookies and Kinley enjoyed eating all the chocolate chips. This was her first taste of sweets. She was a fan!

My mom came and as always we had such a blast! Of course it was too short but we look forward to her coming again soon when baby boy arrives.

Kinley had strep again (and our nanny quit) which was not exciting, but I do love all the cuddles! I know someday she is going to not want to snuggle with me.


Matt and I enjoyed a wonderful date night which does not happen often enough. That is one of my goals for the new year to have more dates!

Kinley started daycare at an in home that we LOVE! We are so thankful for Ms. E after having such struggles with a nanny. I truly believe everything happens for a reason and this was a huge blessing to us.

Kinley had her first swimming experience. What a blast! She loved it!!

I celebrated turning 33 with my two favorite people and it could not have been better! I also started a new job that I really enjoy.


April was defintiely bittersweet for me. I stopped breastfeeding Kinley. After starting my new job it was just teh right timing. I still miss it and am very excited to breastfeed this baby boy. Kinley and I had quite the journey.

We celebrated a great Easter with Matt's family. His grandparents came to visit later in April which we always enjoy as well.

Kinley enjoyed her first carnival. She rode the train and went down the big slide with mommy.


We had our first zoo trip and ended up buying season passes. Kinley loves animals and we knew we would get back often. We didn't get as much as we liked but hopefully a few more times before baby boy comes.

Kinley and I traveled to Colorado for my sister's wedding shower. We had a great time spending some time at my nephew's baseball games and hanging out with family.

We took Kinley strawberry picking for the second year in a row and she was all about it this year. She picked the berries right off and ate away. Good thing I brought a spray bottle to clean them :).


Kinley went to the beach for the first real time. She has been before but not where she could get in the water and enjoy it. She did not want to leave.

We all traveled back to Colorado for my sister's wedding. I was the matron of honor and Kinley was the flower girl. She did amazing and we all had a fantastic time. Here are some tips for traveling with a toddler.

We got back from Colorado and Matt and I enjoyed an adult wedding of our two friends Chelsea and Tony. It was a much needed night out.

Matt celebrated his last father's day to an only child. Little did he know :).


I wrote one of my most popular posts. 3 car seat myths busted. If you have been following me for a while or know me you know car seat safety is a passion of mine.

Had some beach family pictures done by the amazing Lori Woodhouse Photography. I was quite frustrated with the windy evening we had but of course we ended up with some priceless memories.

We took a road trip up to Baltimore to see a wonderful friend of mine, Erin. Kinley and Bodie are only a few months apart and are the cutest when they are together. We don't get to see them often but we try for at least once a year.

Kinley graduated from her first story time class at the library. She was so proud.

I really started to embrace life as a working mom around this time. It is hard work but over all very rewarding for me. I hope the rest of us working moms will learn to embrace their role too.


Another beach trip in the books. This time we headed down to the Outer Banks where my step mom and her family were. I wish we could've stayed longer. Hoping they make another trip this year.

Kinley enjoyed her first ice cream eating experience.

Kinley got strep yet again. But this time it really made me thankful for the midnight screams. It is so sad when your children are sick.


The big announcement. Kinley is going to be a BIG SISTER!! We could not be more excited for our family.

Deciding on some must haves for baby #2 and letting go of the mommy guilt.


We closed on our first house as a married couple. We owned the townhouse, still do, but did not purchase that together. This house is ours and couldn't be more special.

Matt and I celebrated 4 wonderful years of marriage. It has been the best.

Kinley went trick or treating for real for the first year and jumped in many piles of leaves. We also had a blast at the pumpkin patch this year.


We celebrated another friend's beautiful wedding. Yay for another date!

Kinley turned 2!!! Wow time flies! I also took that time to reflect back on her, my first born, and how much I love her.

Had some more amazing family photos done. I was sure this time we were not getting any good ones. Kinley threw up on the way there and the entire shoot she fussed and clinged to me! Come to find out the poor girl had an ear infection. BUT....of course there were some amazing photos.


We did a few family holiday activities, looking at lights and making cookies were the highlights. We also found out that our baby girl was really a baby boy. Boy what a shocker!

Celebrated an amazing holiday with my mom here and Matt's family. My dad and step mom were even able to come visit for a day.

We ended the year on the couch with a movie and in bed by 10pm. Exciting life we lead I tell you, but I wouldn't change it for the world! Goodbye 2015!

We are so exited to see what 2016 brings us and our family! We know one thing is for sure we will be adding an amazing boy to our family.