Hi Friends-
I never popped back in on Friday after Kinley’s appointment because the day just got away from me as well as the weekend.Seems to happen every weekend. So in case you were wondering Kinley is 12lbs 12oz, 24 ¾ inches long. She is on the small side. Like I have mentioned before she is very inconsistent with her eating. The dr wanted to start her on Zantac after listening to all our troubles with sleeping, amongst other concerns we had. We talked about Zantac a few months ago though Matt and I didn’t want to go straight to medicine and wanted to explore other options. Nothing has seemed to work for us so we thought giving the Zantac a try would be worth it, in hopes she will start sleeping and eating better. We need to add some weight to her :). She got her four month shots and did really well this time. Only cried for a second until I was able to cuddle her.

We visited with some friends from out of town this weekend and ate lots of not so good food for us. We ate out twice in one day! Not sure the last time that had happened. It was fun and we enjoyed visiting with friends we don’t get to see enough of!
This week has been off to a tough start. Kinley has had a rough few nights which makes for LONG days for mama! The afternoons drag on forever! I don’t like to drink caffeine after 12:00 so staying alert in the afternoons is difficult.
I’m linking up with Jenn for WIAW (What I Ate Wednesday). It really is what I ate Tuesday since I type my posts up the day before. I didn’t take pictures of everything I ate due to trying to stay focused at work.
Breakfast started with overnight oats, inspired from peanutbutterfingers. I mix oats, chia seeds, a dash of cinnamon and enough skim milk to mix it all together. I put it in the fridge and let it sit overnight. In the morning sometimes I add a little more milk if it is too thick. Topped it with a mixed berries mix and you have it. YUMMMM. Super easy breakfast that I can grab and eat when I get to work while reading emails. This of course went along with a two cups of coffee and water.
My snacks are usually the same during the week since I bring my lunch to work. Pretzel crisps with a laughing cow light cheese. Today I was extra hungry so I added in a new granola bar I picked up from Target over the weekend. Very yummy if you are interested. I also got a oatmeal cookie one too. Haven’t tried that one yet, but this berry one is good.
Lunch was left over taco salad from dinner last night. I did not take a picture because I was too hungry and just didn’t think about it. Some days breastfeeding I feel I could eat a whole lot! In my taco salad was lettuce, ground turkey, refried beans, homemade Spanish rice, cheese, sour cream and salsa. It hit the spot. We also made some fresh mango salsa last night with the ninja. Very tasty.
I was really craving some Doritos so that was my snack. I didn't feel the best after them though.
Dinner was Greek pitas with a side of Kinley :). They are so yummy! I loaded it with veggies since my day lacked in veggies. I'll have to do better tomorrow.
I'm not having a snack tonight because I'm so tired I'm going to bed early when I'm done pumping. Kinley has had a rough two nights and we have been up a lot!
Happy hump day everyone! I am off tomorrow because Matt has training and I am so excited to spend the whole day with my little munchkin. There will be lots of snuggles!