Happy half birthday sweet boy. Has it really been 6 months since your
Stats: The 6 month check up was a tough one. He got 4 shots including the flu shot. I hate hearing that cry after he gets shots, it breaks my heart. He weighed in at 15lbs 9oz and 26.6" long. His head is a little on the smaller side but I don't think there is any concern, it doesn't look small to me though. He is wearing all 6 month clothes with some 9 month ones as well and still in size 2 diapers. The pants are a little big around his waist so the 6 month ones are a better fit.
He had his first major sick visit this month and it was the worst 2 nights ever. One night his fever got up to 102.9. He cried and whined all night. It was awful for us both; I just wanted to comfort him. Thankfully a few times he would fall asleep on my chest and get a little rest, though the rest of the time he was screaming his head off. He had an ear infection so it explains the heart wrenching screams all night, so antibiotics it was for 10 days. Poor guy was miserable!

Sleep: Not much change in the sleep department here. Still pretty inconsistent and he is still up pretty frequently. He has put himself on a 3 nap a day schedule with usually at least one of them being a decent nap. It really depends who he is with during the day. Some people can get him to nap longer and others have no luck and it is 30 mins naps all day. Sometimes he just needs his bink back or to be rocked for a few and he will sleep longer, but that isn't always possible, nor is everyone able to do that. Night sleep he is up every 3 to 4 hours still and most nights goes right back to sleep after I feed him. I can't wait for the day for more than 3 hours of sleep at a time. Some day right! I know I said last month we were transitioning out of the swaddle but that was a no go. He hasn't been rolling from his back to belly yet and loves his swaddle and sleeping on his side. So we are sticking with it right now. He is sleeping in his room every night though. I think that has been best for everyone. It is so sad what a second child does to you; I was more than ready for him to be in his room. I knew we both would sleep better.
Eat: He is still exclusively breastfed. I am pumping 3 times at work and an occasional pump at home to keep up with him. He has been taking 4oz pretty consistently each feeding and most days I work I have trouble pumping the 16oz he eats while I am gone. We were waiting to start solids until after his 6 month birthday and was sitting on his own better. We have tried a few things but I will leave that update for next month. One of my favorite pictures, his eyes are so perfect.

Play: He loves his sister., there is no denying that and she loves him just as much! It warms my heart watching them together. It is the best thing to watch. He seriously stares at her in awe all day. As soon as she comes near him his face just lights up. She loves interacting with him and playing peek a boo with him. He loves his toes and chewing on them every chance he gets. He still loves his jumperoo and play mat as well. He will occasionally sit in his swing for a few but I think it is almost time to pack that away. He had his first ride in the stroller this month and seemed to really enjoy it. He also went on the swing for the first time at the park and was all smiles.

We have a lot of fun things coming up in the next few months to include some exciting firsts for Zander. First on the list is Halloween. Him and Kinley are going to look adorable and I can't wait to share, I need to get working on their costumes and decide if Matt and I are dressing up or not. He looks so thrilled about Halloween, doesn't he!
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