Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Finding My Tribe

Being a mom is hard. There is no other way to put it. The hardest most rewarding job I have ever had and I wouldn't change it for the world. Finding mom friends is just as hard. Why? I don't know! We are all in the same boat, lets be friends! I have talked before about having support systems and how important it is. I would not be where I am today if I didn't find my tribe when I first got pregnant with Kinley. They have stood by me through it all! There are not many and I am 100% ok with that! I love them!

I have always been the one with not many friends and a homebody. I have my close friends and that is about the extent of it. The majority of my friends did not have kids and I didn't really know anyone that had kids. My sister of course has her first born but it was 11 years ago when I got pregnant with Kinley. She was way out of the newborn, baby and toddler years.

Motherhood can be lonely and isolating at times. I needed support; other mom support! I joined a few Facebook groups when we found out we were expecting, which turned out to be an amazing experience!  There was so much information; from other first time moms to moms that were on their 4th kiddo. I like to do my own research on things but it was great to be able to ask a question and get some feedback on something so new to me.

I will be honest it was hard initially connecting with strangers via the internet, but today some of the ladies from my groups are my best friends! I have even met a few of them in person and the kids have met, the connection we share is amazing! I feel like I have known them forever. I have also met a few moms via blogging and they are amazing as well! I am so thankful! I love that I can text one or three of them with a question about ANYTHING and they will give me their honest opinion. You ladies know that ANYTHING is so true! I have shared some of the most intimate things with these ladies.

Finding mommy friends is hard. I miss that my "internet" friends don't live close to me and we can't hang out all the time, because like I said they are some of my bestest friends and I go to them for everything! Being a new mom or even being a mom for the second time it was so important I had a support system. I needed someone going through what I was going through that could relate to what I was experiencing in the moment. I also love being able to provide that support back to them. The bond is something special that I wouldn't trade for the world.

Find your tribe friends! It is so important and has saved my sanity many many times, probably my husbands too :). I love my "internet" friends and am so thankful they have been apart of this journey called Motherhood.

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