Saturday, February 20, 2016

Pregnancy Update #2: Weeks 29-31

Are we really down to single digit weeks? Kinley was a week early so in reality we could only have 8 weeks left. I am not holding my breath on that and am going to attempt to be as patient as possible when we get towards the end because I do know that 40 weeks is ideal. Remind me that when I am 36 weeks and hoping the next month flies by :)

We have officially decided on a name and have begun hanging things in the nursery. Finally! Here is what baby boy has been up to the last few weeks.
  • Baby Brooks is weighing in at about 3 pounds and measuring 18 inches long. He will pack on another 3- 5 pounds before he is born though, so lots of growing still. 
  • He is now perceiving signals from all 5 senses
  • His muscles and lungs are continuing to mature and his head is growing bigger. I can definitely feel his stronger kicks as he gets stronger. 
What is going on with me the past few weeks: Kinley wanted in on the weekly bump picture.

How far along: 31 weeks 3 days. I did a comparison shot last time with Kinley and I just love them. Hello no tan! We had a great 31 week appointment and everything is on track. I am measuring 31 weeks and my weight gain is great.

Total Weight Gain: As of my appointment yesterday I am up 16 pounds. I should be gaining about a pound a week at this point, which I am on track for that! 

Best Moments of the Past few Weeks: Of course the Bronco's winning the Super Bowl. Kinley was all about the Broncos. It is so cute; she scrolls through my pictures and makes sure to point out the Bronco shirt we are all wearing. Starting on the nursery has also been exciting. I feel we have so much to do still but then really think about it and we would really be ok if he came. 

Miss Anything: I think I have to say sleep again. It has been getting worse as I progress more. I guess that is how it goes though. My hips continue to really hurt at night so there is a lot of tossing and turning. Kinley was up coughing the other night, ALL night so none of us slept. 

Gender: It is still a BOY! I confirmed we will have another ultrasound at 37 weeks to look at his size. If I am being honest about that ultrasound I am not thrilled they are doing another one. Ultrasounds can be off and I don't want them trying to get me to schedule a c section. I am not going to stress about it though, because it would mean nothing more than we get to see our baby boy! 

Symptoms:  I don't really have any new symptoms. Overall I feel pretty decent still. What a change from being pregnant with Kinley. Like I said my hips hurt and the insomnia sucks but I am trucking along. 

Mood: Still pretty happy! I do tend to have a little less patience with Matt at times. He was trying to explain something to me about the taxes and I was going crazy because he wasn't hearing what I was saying. I was getting super frustrated. 

Looking Forward to: My shower! It is only 2 weeks away! I probably won't do another update until after the shower. Then the following weekend we are going to Great Wolf Lodge for a night. I am really excited about that too! We wanted to do something special with Kinley before he arrives and all of our worlds are rocked. We also have maternity pictures coming up too! I need to find outfits for everyone!

I have really been soaking up this time I have left with Kinley! We have had some great days! She has been more clingy to me lately and I am ok with that! I actually am really loving it! She usually isn't all about mommy so it is a nice change! 

I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend! It is suppose to be a beautiful one here! 


  1. Such a beautiful mommy glow!

    Greta |

  2. Looking good! Sounds like everything is going really smoothly! Sending good thoughts your way :)

  3. I'm happy to hear everything is going well! Congrats on your boy!

  4. Awe. Love all the pictures. You look beautiful, and your daughter is adorable. Glad to hear you're feeling good.

    1. Thank you Shann! She's been such a cuddler :)

  5. I LOVE his name. We are all B names in my house so I am a little biased ;) Prayers for a great ending to your pregnancy and a healthy delivery!

    1. Brooks is our last name ;). We haven't "announced" his name yet. Thank you for your prayers!! I appreciate them ;)

  6. Congratulations! So exciting that you are having a boy!

  7. Yay for healthy baby and healthy mama! I'm so glad things are going well, aside from the usual aches and pains. I'm at that point now (37 weeks) where I'm trying to be content and know he needs to keep on cooking even though I'm definitely getting excited to meet him and ready to have him out! It will happen soon enough :)
